In the last seven months, I've traveled to each and every one of the countries in the list above.
Well.. not really in person. And certainly not by train, plane, or even automobile.
Just a minute. Let me clarify.
Since I wrote my very first post, Holding Hands, on this little blog last June, I have had the privilege of journeying into a host of countries I'd only heard or read about in my lifetime. According to the statistics from my blog, people from all over the globe have clicked to read my posts. Crazy, huh?
Maybe they stumbled upon my blog accidentally. Maybe they found it on purpose.
Maybe they linked to my blog via another organization or maybe someone shared my site with them.
Who knows how on earth they found this blog? I'm not exactly sure, but it's pretty amazing, nonetheless.
I admit that at the beginning, I was a little unsettled about the thought of someone I don't know, clear across the ocean, or even in my own country, reading my thoughts, my stories. I guess I didn't expect too much when I entered the blogging world. I guess I also thought it would be a little more private. I guess I didn't fully comprehend what I was embarking upon. But it's okay. In fact, it's more than okay. The more I think about it, the happier it makes me. :)
Not from a standpoint of pride. Not at all. In fact, just the opposite. Actually, I'm humbled.
I've come to the conclusion, that in my little world of blogging, I have the chance to be part of something much bigger. Through this blog, I get to have a small, yet significant, role in participating in the great commission Christ gave His followers before leaving earth,
"Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God's good news to one and all." Mark 16:16 (MSG)
As a stay-at-home mom, my most adventurous outings are sometimes limited to the weekly shopping trips to the supermarket. At this stage in my life, it's just not meant for me to go into all the world.
But through this blog, I get to share the good news of God's great big love for us. I get to encourage others with the hope of Christ through my experiences. I get to show how real God is in our everyday lives. It's both a huge blessing and a huge responsibility, one I don't take lightly.
"Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples." Psalm 96:3 (NIV)
Maybe one day, I'll get to hop on a plane and take off across the ocean to share Truth in a foreign country to those desperate to hear it.
Until then, I'm content on my side of the world, sharing, encouraging, and making disciples of those near to me and those far away--in my home and in my community. But also, and excitedly, with this blog.
So, if you happen to be one of those readers from the other side of the world, thank you so much for your numerous visits here. I appreciate you. Seriously, I do.
And if you are one of my American friends, thank you so much for your frequent stops here as well. I really appreciate you. No doubt about it. I do.
Thanks for the journey so far, friends. I've enjoyed my trip around the world--and back--in the last 180(+) days. Can't wait to see where our travels take us next!
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