But I'll get back to that in just a minute...
If you happened to read this post back in February, Tea, My First-Born and Me, then you already know I have been going through the Secret Keeper Girl book, 8 Great Dates for Moms and Daughters, with my oldest, Grace.
When I wrote that post, we'd only been out on our first date. Our intention from the start was to go on one special date per month, leading up to Grace's 10th birthday in October. Amazingly, I can say we've done just that! So, date #7 was slated for the month of August. (I know, I know. I need to go back and post about dates #2-6...)
With the start of school and other responsibilities, I confess I'd not given this month's date all that much thought. I knew the suggested activity was for me to take Grace to a hair salon and allow her to get a new "do". But we'd just done that last month--not because it was fun, but because girlfriend desperately needed a haircut.
A couple weeks ago, our church announced an upcoming women's event: a brunch and a guest speaker. The scheduled guest speaker was Kylie Bisutti. Don't know the name? Neither did I at first. Let me introduce you to her.
Kylie is a former Victoria Secret's model turned role model who’s written a book entitled, I’m No Angel.
By His grace, God rescued Kylie from a destructive industry and set her onto a path to give Him glory through her story when she chose to walk away from it all. The fame. The notoriety. The money. All of it.
Today, Kylie is 23 years old, married, and expecting her first child. From my limited observation, she is a quiet, humble young woman whose heart still breaks when she speaks of her intense struggles for affirmation and attention during her modeling career.
Now, she feels compelled to help young girls (and women) see and shatter the illusion the enemy presents in the form of worldly beauty and acceptance.
When I first heard about the women's event and the speaker, I must confess, I wasn't keen on the idea. For several reasons, I just wasn't. I couldn't figure out how Kylie's story of walking away from the fashion world would intersect with my life today. I mean, what on earth could a stay-at-home, homeschooling mama possibly have in common with a super model? No. I couldn't see the connection, but I decided to go anyway.
Then several of my mama friends mentioned they were bringing their daughters to hear Kylie speak. I asked Grace if she wanted to come and she did.
The author, Dannah Gresh, describes submission (that often misunderstood word in our society) as "allowing someone else to lead you."
The more I read the chapter on date #7 and armed with what I already knew of Kylie's story, I thought, "Hmm...I think I'll let this brunch fulfill our date for the month." I had no idea how much it would do just that.
As she spoke to a room filled with about 400 females, I listened as Kylie shared her heart. She spoke about the ungodly things she did and then how God’s kindness led her to repentance. I heard her say (without actually saying) how she learned to submit to God, allowing Him to clothe her with strength and dignity, good deeds, and the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.
Afterwards, I had the privilege of relating those observations to my daughter. No, we didn’t make it to the hair salon today as instructed in date #7, but we heard and saw a living testimony of submission. A gorgeous girl with an even more gorgeous soul, telling and showing what true beauty is. An example of modesty, renewed purity and redemption.
I spoke with Kylie when the brunch was over and nearly everyone else had left. I asked her if she'd ever heard of Secret Keeper Girl. She had not, but seemed genuinely interested in knowing more about it. Briefly, I went on to explain about the ministry and my love for it.
I told her I felt Secret Keeper Girl might really like her message. She was very intrigued and told me she would definitely look them up. Then, before I walked away, I encouraged her with the fact that she never knows what God's plans could be for her and what platform He might present to her next. Maybe working on the Secret Keeper Girl team???
How awesome would it be if Kylie's path and Secret Keeper Girls' paths intersected? I feel her heart’s message, the message of true beauty and modesty, resonates with theirs. She wants to be a positive role model now and help as many young girls as she can. I believe young
girls might really respond to seeing a young, beautiful, successful model who
left the fashion industry tell them what God really thinks about beauty.
Don't you agree?
I believe Kylie is
a treasure in the kingdom of God and He’s using her in amazing ways with this
generation of young girls.
And how
awesome would it be for her to exchange one kind of secret for another?
From Victoria's Secret to Secret Keeper Girl.
I believe in this so much that I actually typed out a two-page letter on behalf of Kylie and sent it to Dannah Gresh. I know. Completely crazy, right? (Now pray Dannah will actually receive it and read it!)
I've never done anything like that before in my life. But after sitting next to Kylie at the table and listening to her share her heart as my friend interviewed her on stage, I was compelled to do so.
I saw God's child. And someone's daughter whom I could have easily taught in first grade back in the day. And a young woman who's seen and experienced much darkness in her few years. And a wife and mom-to-be now basking in Christ's light and favor shining around her.
I saw God's child. And someone's daughter whom I could have easily taught in first grade back in the day. And a young woman who's seen and experienced much darkness in her few years. And a wife and mom-to-be now basking in Christ's light and favor shining around her.
So I guess I was wrong...again. Kylie's story did, in fact, intersect with my life. Just not in any way I thought it would. But only God could do that. And I'm glad He did.